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Garuda #1 (40 MB)
Meschasm #1 (27 MB)
Socialist Realism Science Fiction #1 (588k)
Socialist Realism Science Fiction #2 (1 MB)
Twibbet #5 (43 MB)
Twibbet #7 (94 MB)
Whatever #2 (90 MB)
Whatever #4 (85 MB)


From these and other sources, I've cribbed the following information about early Arizona fanzines:

Fanzine Issue Editor(s) Date Notes
Aleph Null Patrick Hayden 'Coming soon in 1975'
Blind Spot Tim Kyger 'Coming soon in 1975'
Fraud! Tim Kyger and Curt Stubbs 400 copies printed
Garuda 1 Terry Ballard Feb 1972
Garuda 2 Terry Ballard Jun 1972
Godless 1 Bruce D. Arthurs
Godless 2 Bruce D. Arthurs Dec 1971
Godless 3 Bruce D. Arthurs Mar 1973
Godless 4 Bruce D. Arthurs 1973
Godless 5 Bruce D. Arthurs Nov 1973
Impulse 1 Liz Danforth & D. Carol Roberts 1970 Star Trek zine
Impulse 2 Liz Danforth & D. Carol Roberts Nov 1970 Star Trek zine
Impulse 3 Liz Danforth & D. Carol Roberts Feb 1971 Star Trek zine
Impulse 4 Liz Danforth & D. Carol Roberts Jun 1971 Star Trek zine
Impulse 5 Liz Danforth & D. Carol Roberts Aug 1971 Star Trek zine
Impulse 6/7 Liz Danforth & D. Carol Roberts 1972 Star Trek zine
Meschasm 1 Jim Messerich June 1979 40 copies for SASFFA members
OAFS 1 Bill Patterson 1972 'Organized Arizona Fans of SF/F'
OAFS 2 Bill Patterson Mar 1973 500 copies printed in two editions
Powermad 3.5 Bruce D. Arthurs Sep 1973
Powermad 4 Bruce D. Arthurs Oct 1973
Slithey Toves Ruby Davis & Paula Schrantz poetry zine
Socialist Realism Science Fiction 1 Robert Prokop 1971?
Socialist Realism Science Fiction 2 Robert Prokop 1972?
Twibbet 1 Tom Williams Feb 1971
Twibbet 2 Terry Ballard 1971
Twibbet 3 Bill Patterson Oct 1971
Twibbet 4 Robert Prokop 1972
Twibbet 5 Mark & Paula-Ann Anthony Jan 1973 113 copies printed
Twibbet 6 Tim Kyger 1974
Twibbet 7 Patrick Hayden 1975
Twibbet 13 Dan Carver & Bear Peters 1976 this was a 'hoax' Twibbet
Whatever 1 Paula-Ann & Mark Anthony 1972
Whatever 2 Paula-Ann & Mark Anthony Nov 1973 200 copies printed
Whatever 3 Paula-Ann & Mark Anthony 1974
Whatever 4 Paula-Ann & Mark Anthony 1975 300 copies printed
Wooton Major Journal 1 Robert Doyle Summer 1969 J. R. R. Tolkien zine
Wooton Major Journal 2 Robert Doyle 1969 J. R. R. Tolkien zine


  1. The Edgestow Telegraph was the publication of the local Mythopoeic Society.
  2. After one issue of OAFS, OSFFA (Organized Science Fiction Fans of Arizona) published a newsletter called OSFFA News.
  3. The United Whovians of Tucson published a Doctor Who fanzine from 1990 to 1997, with 15 editions published. Karen Funk Blocher edited from 1990 to 1993.
  4. Uncle River published 16 issues of a science fiction and fantasy zine named Xizquil between 1989 and 1998, initially in Reserve, NM and then Blue, AZ.


  1. The Anthonys were brother and sister.
  2. Twibbet continued as Iguanacon II publications: #8 (program book), #9 (pocket program) and #10 (PR5).


Many thanks to Terry Ballard for sending me the Garuda, Twibbet and Whatever zines which I've scanned and made available here.

Many thanks to Wolf Forrest for scanning and sending in the Meschasm zine.

I found the Socialist Realism Science Fiction zines online (likembe.net).

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Last update: 30th October, 2018